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Disability royal commission hears evidence about threats of cruelty towards resident | ABC News
Disability royal commission to hear evidence on sexual, domestic and family violence | ABC News
Australians living under state control testify at the Disability Royal Commission | ABC News
Disability Royal Commission interim report handed down | ABC News
Advocates urged to tell their stories to the Disability Royal Commission | ABC News
Disability inquiry hears evidence about the overuse of psychotropic drugs | ABC NEWS
Disability royal commission hears group home residents 'treated like a bunch of sheep' | ABC News
Indigenous woman kept isolation for years, Disability Royal Commission hears | ABC News
Disability royal commission hears more shocking allegations of abuse inside youth detention | 7.30
Disability commission: stories of removed children have 'resonance of Stolen Generations' | ABC News
Inquiry told disability sector left vulnerable by coronavirus response | ABC News
Public hearing 33: Violence, abuse, neglect and deprivation of human rights (a case study) - Day 3